A life of victory
SÅNG: En sång om hur man får livets krona!

“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” Jak 1:12. Bibeln är full av otroliga löften för dem som segrar. Detta är en sång om hopp och tro inför framtiden för dem som liver ett segrande liv!
God has called me to a life of victory.
Overcoming sin in my own flesh.
I am called to walk in Jesus’ footsteps;
Each and every day put sin to death.
In God’s temple those who overcome are pillars;
They shall never more from there depart!
Always victory over sin,
As with joy within, Satan’s power I’m resisting.
And when Jesus comes for me
I will then receive the crown of life from Him!
I have laid aside the things that plagued me.
Now I choose to go a whole new way.
On this way that Jesus walked and opened,
I can be transformed from day to day.
In God’s temple those who overcome are pillars;
They shall never more from there depart!
Always victory over sin,
As with joy within, Satan’s power I’m resisting.
And when Jesus comes for me
I will then receive the crown of life from Him!
I have put my life in Your safe hands, Lord,
I will follow you on this good way.
And I know that all you send my way, Lord,
Works together for my best each day.
In God’s temple those who overcome are pillars;
They shall never more from there depart!
Always victory over sin,
As with joy within, Satan’s power I’m resisting.
And when Jesus comes for me
I will then receive the crown of life from Him!
© Copyright Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag, Norway
Skriften är hämtad från Svenska Folkbibeln. Copyright © 1998 av Stiftelsen Svenska Folkbibeln och Stiftelsen Biblicum. Används med tillstånd.